Monday, July 23, 2007

It's a puzzle

how the dead doe came to lie in my backyard. Our backyard is completely fenced in. The back fence is about a 7 ft high solid wooden fence, the sides are wire (5 ft high) and wood. So, I know she had to come over the wire portion,, but why didn't she go right back out? I saw her down below in the wooded section and went to examine her,, getting only as close as her fly blown body would allow me to ascertain that she was a doe and that the bottom leg looked like it had what one might call road rash or street pizza marks on it. So I think she had been hit by a car. I never saw her thrash around in the backyard, and we have a birdbath out there, so she would have had water to drink had she not been mortally wounded- I think I would have noticed a live deer before she died of hunger and thirst. But I will honestly tell you, it is very disconcerting and puzzling.


Orbie/\;;/\ said...

Sheila if it is any consolation her leap across your fence might have just been adrenaline. She probably had internal injuries which she died of well before hunger and thirst

Anonymous said...

i know you would have helped her best you could, if you'd have seen her come into the yard. like orbie said, she might have been to injured to last long after the jump.


Waltzing Matilda said...

That's so sad. I know you would have helped her the best you could.

UrbanStarGazer said...

I saw three dead deer on my drive to the bay area last week. Freaked me out.