Friday, February 15, 2008


I thought about whether or not to post anything and decided to wait until the outcome, but things went smooth this week. I had an ovarian mass that had to be removed along with the other associated feminine body parts and everything went well. It was benign and I only spent two days in the hospital! I am one tough old broad if I do say so myself.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


I think my 18 hour migraine has finally let go of my brain. Went to bed with it last night after taking some medicine- woke up early to take more medicine (this was good,, I checked on a sow who was heavy pregnant,, found that she had been in labor for some time,, had to pull the first baby,, first and fourth were dead, middle two alive but depressed,,, sow depressed,,). After dealing with sow I proceeded to throw up,, I get so nauseated when I have migraines,, tried eating, lying down- shutting out light and noise- and finally, it seems to have decided to move on- hopefully not to your brain. Oh happy day!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Fundy Hair

It has been several months I think since Schell and I were both in the BS at the same time. We were discussing hair, and I said that I had long hair,, she asked if it was Fundy hair,, I replied no,, mainly inertia hair. I haven't a clue what to do with it, and so let it grow. This is my daily uniform: blue jeans, athletic shoes (someone was optimistic when they named them!) and fleece sort of jacket over a teeshirt. I tried rotating the picture, but it made me look very short and hefty,, which I can manage all on my own thank you!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Veterinary Meeting

Went to a veterinary continuing ed meeting today,, good topic- vomiting and diarrhea. Learned a few new things, none of which are pertinent to my area of interest,, picked up a couple of books,, zoonoses($46) and wildlife and zoo medicine($150). Good stuff. Now,, off to clean pigs. Gonna save these books for an event coming up. More about that later. Maybe.