Friday, May 4, 2012


I have lost contact with some folks over the years and the internet has allowed me to re-establish contact with them. So last night I looked up the veterinarian that I rode with 38 years ago and his wife.  They were born in 1920 and while it should come as no surprise to find out that they had died and that all I could find was record of their death- it has actually hit me rather hard. I have been in a funk all day.  The vet died in 2000 and his wife in 2009.  Surely I couldn't have expected them to be alive, but I guess I did.  I have that empty hollow feeling in my chest- not guilt that I hadn't kept up with them, but loss of some folks who were so kind to me and paved part of the way for me to become a veterinarian.  RIP Dr. Walker and Norella.