The two little orphans are a week old today. Still small but they eat from the syringe enthusiastically. This sow had four babies on Tuesday evening and so once she got used to her own babies, I put these two in. She is a very laid back sow. This is her first litter. She tolerates the newbies and will care for them as much as she cares for any of the babies,, but she is not obsessive like some sows. If they are close, she gives them a lick. If not, that's OK too. Some sows keep their kids herded up and put in a nest. This sow is not like that. It's catch as catch can for the nippie. Some of her kids are getting supplemented too. I offer it to everyone, including the sow (who LOVES it). Be thinking of names or they will be stuck with what I come up with. These guys aren't out of the woods- and won't be in my mind until they are eating on their own and gaining wt.-but I am cautiously optimistic.
Yesterday I went to the feed store about 20+ miles from here to pick up a half ton of bedding. I left it in the 4 runner hoping husband would offload for me-which he did this morning. But he put the stuff right in front of my freezer, which means I will be shifting it soon anyhow. Oh well.
Back to folding laundry which my girl ratties enjoy helping me with.
hi 22! welcome! cute pigs!
i'm glad they'll have comfort from other pigs. you could name one mandolin : )
I like that! I have used the name Grace before (on a solid silver) otherwise we would have a nifty pair. The computer pedigree program won't allow me to reuse names.
At one time we were naming all of our cats after small Louisiana towns.
I nominate "Pigwigeon" for a name.
Obviously, Porkchop is the best possible name for one of the little piggies.
Actually, my daughter's boy rats are named PORKCHOP and Peanut. No duplications or substitutions allowed on the official entry form. See rule #5. You may enter as many times as you please. Send a SASE if you want the final results. Resume your normal programming. This is just a test, do not adjust your monitor.
if you get really strapped for ideas, you could name them after the states you like.
Urbie probably hasn't been used before. :)
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