Sunday, May 4, 2008

I saw something amazing today

While I was setting up pig carriers for the upcoming show, I happened to look at the window that was right in front of me. These are on the second story and rarely get washed so that there is a plethora of cobwebs built up in the corners on the outside. I saw a female(?) hummingbird gathering the cobwebs to use for nestbuilding. Initially I thought, are you after the spiders? (they are not averse to eating a small insect or something if they can get it) they are long gone from these webs, but no, she was picking up the strands. She worked for about 30 seconds and then flew off. I had my daughter come over and look, but the bird was gone. And then she came back! Something I never in my wildest dreams would have ever expected to see. In other news, damned hawk got one of my squirrels. It picked it off on the ground in the backyard and then flew up to the darned squirrel nest box and sat on it. Squirrel was dead so me flying out the backdoor screaming and swirling a dish towel at it didn't help the squirrel, but it did make it fly away. Damned hawk. I would like to have been able to smack it with a baseball or something. I love my squirrels and I hate those damned shitting hawks.

All About Birds: Ruby-throated Hummingbird


Gail said...

We always have several hummingbirds at our feeder during the year-some stay in GA year round. We also have some bluebirds hatching several little birdies in their box on the fence and yesterday, the male bluebird came to check out our rain barrel on the front deck. Since we have a screen over the top to keep out the mosquitoes and oak squiggles, I think he probably got frustrated trying to get something to drink. Why he didn't go to the bird bath I'll never know. You might want to talk to Spidey about the squirrels ;-)

Anonymous said...

Gail, for a really good time, buy some mealworms for the bluebirds. We sit and watch them not ten feet away out on the porch. The wrens love them too.

Brenda said...

i have decided to feed the squirrel this year. we bought one of those corn hangers.

the end is near :)

Anonymous said...

You must have been touched by an angel :).

Anonymous said...

the bird won't stay off our porch. they've been nesting there longer than we've owned the house, so i don't think we'll win any time soon. i hung up bird feeders and mike was annoyed. he said it would just encourage more. i felt like at least the cats would have some good entertainment because the birds aren't going anywhere any time soon. i keep telling him we should just screen in the porch. i don't really care if the bunnies, squirrels, deer, or birds help themselves.
