Saturday, September 29, 2007


It's been a trying week. Father in law passed away in his sleep- a blessing since he has been bedridden and mainly helpless since massive stroke in January. Due to many factors which I won't go into, my daughter and I were unable to attend the memorial service and we had to fly son up from another city which was not in the original plan. (In laws live 12 hours from us.) Husband was already scheduled to go up, a strange turn of events, so his airline tickets and plans were already in place. My mother gets her basic total body scan next Friday and finds out if she is going to be required to do chemo in addition to her radiation. Originally that was not even thought to be a possibility, but is on the table now. One of my favorite sows, Gladys is toxic with a bellyful of babies which today I can't get to move,, so it may be a bellyful of dead babies. I am force feeding her and giving her fluids, but these situations are always grim.


Anonymous said...

thank you for the lovely gift. i look forward to seein you soon. bad stuff always comes in clumps, so i'm praying that the good stuff is about to pour in for you. some days it's just too much work to think about all the crap and you feel like the next doorbell or phone ring will just be something else. this time last year was like that for me. now a year later, things are wonderful and i'm glad i made it through all the crap. good luck for your mother and gladys.


Anonymous said...

Sheila, I'm sorry to hear that things are not cheery in your corner of the world at the moment. Any good news on Gladys?

Roger said...

Love to you, Sheila.

Waltzing Matilda said...

I'm sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your family's loss.
How is Gladys?
And, hugs, prayers and candles for your Mom.


Anonymous said...

Gladys died today. She did indeed have a bellyful of dead babies which she delivered Saturday evening. She never really recovered.

Anonymous said...

Darn, my last post did show up but my earlier one did not.

So sorry about Gladys and there are still prayers, hugs and candles for your Mom


Waltzing Matilda said...
