Wednesday, June 3, 2009


It's sort of sad, but I can't remember all that much about April. We did have our National Specialty show in Lancaster, PA. I did OK, not fantastic, but right where I should have been given the pigs I had to show. Another fancier and I were Co-Superintendents and we had been working for 5 months getting things lined up. It went well with a few exceptions. Supers are the ones to settle disputes and to enforce the rules. Dealing with people, even those that you have known and shown with for years can sometimes be stressful, especially when you have to issue a ruling that doesn't go in their favor. Oh well, maybe they should be worried about how I feel about them, trying to bend rules etc., instead of me being worried that I hurt our relationship with enforcing the rules that everyone has agreed to abide by when they send in their entry. If that makes any sense. The rest of April must have been pretty uneventful.

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