Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New Roof

This week the big project is getting a new roof installed. We had one put on ten years ago but the workmanship was so poor that it has failed in three places and no amount of caulk seemed to be able to shore it up. I have to say,, repetitive noise does drive me up a wall. I am also cleaning out a closet,, do you GW (Goodwill) those clothes you no longer fit in, or do you keep deluding yourself that ONE day, oh that happy day! you might fit back in them again? They are all going. I have one skirt left and about twenty pairs of jeans- which is my uniform. If I could wear jeans to Sunday service, I might start going again,, well, if they moderated their tune that is.


Gail said...

My sympathy on the new roof. We had the same problem with a metal roof we put on in '98-for the next 8 long freaking years, it leaked and we put down towels every time it rained (that was during the time we had monster rains more often than we do now). Finally, we threw in the towel, literally, and had Home Depot install a shingle roof. After we finally broke ourselves of checking for leaks every time it sprinkled, we've had NO problems with it-plus we've saved a ton on money on people who claim to absolutely be able to fix the problems.

Now on to the important stuff. I just cleaned out my closet for the first time in about 10 years and gave it all to the Salvation Army. I had one pair of jeans left, plenty of T's and shirts and a couple of summery dresses that are cool and a pair or two of shorts. I also cleaned out the underwear drawer-you know all those things that have lost the elastic not to mention ugly. I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying restocking the closet and undie drawer-which will be donated to Salvation Army in another ten years :-)

Brenda said...

i still hang on to a pair of jeans that i would like to fit into, but otherwise, i have been being good and getting rid of stuff. however, with the way the economy is going, i might want to hang on to some of this stuff when the depression settles in and we have to resort to the bartering system. i plan on planting a victory garden this summer. and i am getting ready to recyle grease and aluminum foil. i might have to learn how to darn socks and knit sweaters. oh the good old days.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what it is with roofing that makes it so hit and miss. When we had a new roof put on the shelter a few years ago, we called the sherriff's office and asked them which roofer had the least/no complaints.

I tend to give my stuff that I can't wear and can still be used to the Salvation Army.