Saturday, February 9, 2008


I think my 18 hour migraine has finally let go of my brain. Went to bed with it last night after taking some medicine- woke up early to take more medicine (this was good,, I checked on a sow who was heavy pregnant,, found that she had been in labor for some time,, had to pull the first baby,, first and fourth were dead, middle two alive but depressed,,, sow depressed,,). After dealing with sow I proceeded to throw up,, I get so nauseated when I have migraines,, tried eating, lying down- shutting out light and noise- and finally, it seems to have decided to move on- hopefully not to your brain. Oh happy day!


Roger said...

Sending you whispering love tonight, dear.


Brenda said...

i suffer from migraines myself. i feel your pain. :(

Anonymous said...

{{{{Sheila}}}} You've got my sympathy. I had one that last 6 hours last week - after years of not having any. I couldn't imagine 18 hours! {{{{Sheila}}}