Saturday, December 15, 2007


This morning I went to a charity rabbit show about 50 miles from here. All the proceeds from the show and various raffles and dessert contests go to the Angel Tree at the Community College where it was held. The Angel Tree there holds the names of children of students from the college who would have a bleak Christmas otherwise. Lots of folks attending CC here go on scholarships or help of some sort and many don't have two extra nickels to rub together. Anyhow, I thought it was a nice gesture. Some of the judges donate their time or reduce their fee to help. I entered a pig in the DQ rabbit class,, where the judges try to spot all the DQs on various animals. Obviously, being a pig in a rabbit show is pretty easy to spot, but the judges and exhibitors had a good laugh. We aren't a sophisticated lot, but we know how to have a good clean fun. Like putting a rabbit on a grid where the squares are numbered,, and then folks buy a square. The first poop from the rabbit in a square, that squareholder wins. What? I never inquired.


Orbie/\;;/\ said...

oh we play that poop game here in wisconsin only we do it with cows... the grid is much bigger LOL

Orbie/\;;/\ said...

oh and there is usually a beer garden close by

Anonymous said...

Our game is called Bunny Bingo,, is yours called Cow Chess Pie?

Anonymous said...

the kids at my school provided christmases for 200 oprhans or wards of the state in the city of baltimore this year. they collected money and held funraisers for 3 months and then picked the gifts for the teachers to buy for the kids on the list. there was a large party after school where the kids wrapped all the presents and today the gifts were picked up.