Thursday, November 13, 2008
Well, I've got all my gear together for a triple pig show down in Conyers this weekend. About a seven hour drive for me, I'll leave tomorrow after packing up the pigs. This show I am trotting out some little projects I have going on in the caviary, red eyed oranges, teddies, etc. Not my big guns. Those girls and boys came home and are all in breeding. I don't want to mess them up by traveling with them. It's rainy here, tons of wet leaves in the yard, but as always (or until we get a tropical system) we need the rain. Have a good weekend. See you round the bend.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Trees in my yard
The leaves are pretty much at peak color right in our area now. We have had several days of rain and so a lot are starting to be knocked down. This is my backyard- you can see one of my squirrel boxes in the pine on the right side of the picture.
This is standing in my yard looking down the street.

This is standing in my yard looking down the street.
My favorite tree in the yard, a white oak. The bottom leaves are still green and the top are brown, it is shaded as it goes up. Most of the leaves will fall from it this fall unlike some oaks that seem to need the new leaf budding in the spring to push the old leaf off. Ded probably knows more about that sort of thing than I so. I could throttle my husband, he nailed that bluebird house to the tree because I cut down the damn pine that the house WAS on.
Monday, November 3, 2008
TM (The Duke of) Earl. On October 2, we had a litter of creams born and one of the little babies had two clubbed feet in front. He could still scramble to get under mom and get his grub, he just walked on the back of his wrists. We tried stretching the tendons to allow him to walk more normally (the more you walk wrong, the more the bones won't develop right and the greater the chances that things will never improve). And it worked pretty well with his left wrist. His right wrist however remained turned under so that he is really walking on top of the outer two toes. But he gets around. He holds it up when not running, that leg is now shorter than the other, and you can feel that the bones aren't right. But that is what we figured would happen. Anyhow, on October 6th a young man came to look at two girl pigs. These girls were a little bigger and hadn't been played with and were nice breeding sows, not pets. And so I said to the fellow, look, if you want a pet, this little crippled baby is your best bet. We are holding him a lot working with him, so he will be very tame. And the fellow said, OK, let me think about it. So he went home, thought about it, decided a free baby pig was just the ticket for him, and he named him Earl. Earl went home with his new dad this weekend. It seems like a good fit. It was hard to get a picture of his clubbed foot, maybe you can see it tucked up close to his body on the right.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
TM Take A Gander

The picture on the left is her glam shot for the front of the JACBA (the magazine of the fancy), the one on the right is her posing with her RIS award. Amazingly, most pigs will sit and pose after you have worked with them awhile. Her showing off her assets is what helped her out,, I swear she was posing and flirting with the judges.
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