I think the summer doldrums have set in- too hot to be outside, no pig shows to plan for. Summer is a time of rest and reproduction in the caviary. Pictured above are five of the seven white American senior sows shown in this class at the national Specialty show this spring. My sow won the class- see if you can pick her out.
Hi there, 222! Cute pigs.
they are so dang cute Welcome Sheila
oh and is your prize winner the one who is stepping forward?
I say #3. The middle pig.
the middle pig looks like its plotting its escape
You are right orbie!
Mum -- exactly. That's why I picked her. Figgered she had brains.
Welcome to you and to all the demon red-eyed piggies!
hiya Sheila :):):)
Hi Sheila! Great to see you blogging. :)
The one I picked looked like she was the vanguard of the bunch and thus the mom. It did not look like she would take any guff from anyone... sort of self satisfied
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