Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I was all set

to spend part of the day trying to get a bird picture for Verb, either a goldfinch or chickadee- something sort of jolly. But, lucky us, and I am dead serious, we got some rain, finally, from Fay. It has been a very nice little gentle rain that has persisted throughout the day, the sort that soaks in and does some good for your yard.

In other news, I started grooming and selecting pigs for the TN State Fair show that is next Saturday. It is about 9 hours from me. I drive over to a fellow cavy person's house, spend the night, show, spend the night again at her house and then drive back home on Sunday. This may be the last year for the TSF. The land that it sits on is very valuable and whoever owns it which would be the city, county or state, wants to move it to another site and do whatever on the current site. They would like to combine it with a county fair in another county, but so far most counties have said, no thanks, we don't want you. State fairs tend to attract a bit larger "undesirable" crowd than county fairs and would involve being forced to give over to someone else's rules etc. Most counties would rather continue rocking along at their own pace in their own way. I guess that I can't blame them.


vq said...

I'd adore a bird photo, but I'm thrilled for you that you got rain. We haven't seen a drop in months.

Gail said...

We finally got some rain too. It started slowly over the weekend and then we had several downpours Monday and Tuesday and even a passing shower today. In all, we got about 4 1/2 inches in our yard which did a world of good for our landscape, if you can call it that and brought up the pond several feet. Now we're in for several days of 90+ heat. I can hear the grass grow.

Orbie/\;;/\ said...

congratulations on the rain... we finally got a little too which we desperately needed. I wish it would all just even itself out over the year.

Gail said...

My daughter has just been made redundant with Wachovia-redundant isn't the word they use, but you get the drift. Anyway, what can you tell me about Vet school or vet techs? She loves her 6 dogs and wants to do something with animals. She originally wanted to be a marine biologist, but went with finance instead. Any info will be appreciated....e-mail for me:gwstrickland@gmail.com

Jilly said...

we've been getting a lot of storms and it's horrible to be woken to the phone at 3 am. MY best friend lives in an area that when someone thinks rain, the power goes out. She always calls and says "me and mom are on our way over, toss some pillows and blankets on the sofa for us." Then the dog and 2 cats want me to cuddle them because they're scared and now the baby hates storms too. Before long, i'm going to be like the big mother in the nutcracker, lift my skirt and 50 little people/animals will run out. the MD state fair doubles at the baltimore county state fair and we went last weekend. the kids loved herding chickens and milking cows. i feel rides are a waste of money and time, but i'm an old fuddy-duddy at heart.
