Monday, May 26, 2008

I got my hair cut

I had all my hair cut off to shoulder length straight around and rediscovered my two types of hair. From my father I inherited a fivehead (not a forehead) which means my hairline starts very far back on my cranium and has deep indentions back to my crown in it on either side. This hair is straight and thin. Then the occiput cap hair, I got from my mom,, very very thick almost coarse hair that is wavy to curly if you crunch it while it dries. I probably should have got the hair layered around my face like the woman wanted to do but I wanted to have enough length on the side to be able to twist it back up and clip it off my face and neck- which I can now do. Do I like it? Well, combing and brushing and washing and drying are certainly a lot simpler. But I am not one to monkey with my hair and plan on doing as little as possible with this so no wondrous styles I guess. The woman who cut my hair was Russian and I was able to converse with her from my college Russian. That is to say,, I remembered hello, goodbye and how are you. That pretty much covered day one and the limit of my rememberance of all things Russian.


Brenda said...

i have a five head too from my dad and wear my hair short around my face and longer in the back. i hate when the wind blows my hair back and my forehead shows. :)

Anonymous said...

Did you donate the cut off hair? you had so much hair! You can always go get it re-cut in a month or so.


Anonymous said...

The hair is sitting in a braid in a bag. I have no plans for it at the present time. Possibly getting a hair brooch made for my each of my kids.