Sunday, March 30, 2008

Weekend In Conyers, GA

I just got home from a weekend in Conyers, GA- a triple pig show was my main reason for attendance, but apparently it was also the Cherry Blossom Festival and there was also some sort of very large horse show(s). My white American Satin Sr Sow won two of the three Best In Shows- I was so overcome at the first one that I started boohooing (at the presentation of this wonderful Chinese print). You know the wonderful thing about friends, really good friends? when you start crying, they start crying too. A sad or happy occassion,,, they are willing to get their faces all blotchy with you. We are likely a bunch nincompoops (my husband said,, why did you start crying? you won! I said, it's a woman thang.) but somehow, I fell into a wonderful group of women (and men too! but they don't cry with me).

1 comment:

Gail said...

So sorry the weekend wasn't the best, weatherwise, as I almost froze to death, but congrats on your win. Heck, I cry when someone cries on TV!